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June 2023 Tax Alert (P3)

Circular 33/2023/TT-BTC on stipulating the determination of origin of exported and imported goods

On May 31, 2023, the Ministry of Finance issued Circular 33/2023/TT-BTC stipulating the determination of origin of exported and imported goods. Accordingly, the Circular has some following highlights:

1. Application for pre-determination of origin of exported and imported goods

Before carrying customs procedures for their import or export shipment, the organization or individual that requests pre-determination of origin shall submit an application for pre-determination of origin which includes:

  • 01 original application form for pre-determination of the origin of exported or imported goods;

  • 01 copy statement of production costs and the domestic manufacturer/supplier of raw materials in case such materials and supplies are used for a subsequent stage to produce goods;

  • 01 copy of the production process or certificate of component analysis (if any);

  • 01 copy of catalogue or photos of goods.

June 2023 Tax Alert (P3)

- When carrying out customs procedures, the declarant shall declare the origin of exported goods on the electronic customs declaration in "description of goods" in the following cases:

  • Exported goods that satisfy the conditions of Vietnamese origin: "good description#&VN";

  • Exported goods that originated from other countries: "good description#&(code of the country of origin)";

  • Exported goods that produced from many sources of raw materials originating from different countries, are not determined the origin or have only a few simple stages of assembly and processing performed in Vietnam, do not meet the above two cases: "good description#&KXĐ";

In case of physical customs declaration, the origin of goods shall be declared in "origin".

- If the origin of the exported good has been pre-determined under a notice given by the Director General of the General Department of Vietnam Customs, number, issue date and expiry date of that notice shall be declared in the “license".

-When carrying out customs procedures for exported goods, the customs declarant is not required to submit the C/O of goods to the customs office.

3. Declaration and submission of the C/O of imported goods

When carrying out customs procedures, the customs declarant have to submit the C/O of goods to the customs office in the following cases:

  • Customs declarants want to be eligible for special preferential tax rates;

  • Goods must have C/O to prove that they are imported from a country, group of countries or territory that is not included in the Consolidated List

  • Goods must have C/O to identify that they are not imported from countries that pose a risk of causing harm to social safety, community health or environmental hygiene

  • The imported good is included in the Minister of Industry and Trade’s list of goods subject to anti-dumping duty, countervailing duty, safeguard measures, tariff quotas, measures against evasion of trade remedies or limits on quantity of goods.

June 2023 Tax Alert (P3)

In case goods are exempted from submission C/O of goods under an International Treaty of which Vietnam is a member, the customs declarant is not required to submit such C/O of goods.

The customs declarant declares in "notes" on the electronic customs declaration or "attached documents" on the paper customs declaration in the following cases:

  • Submitting documents when carrying out customs procedure: Reference number and date of issue of the C/O or code of the exporter eligible for C/O self-issuance;

  • Having been issued a notification of the result of the pre-determination of the origin that is still in force by the General Department of Customs: Number, date of issue of the notification;

  • Application of the C/O deduction: Date of issue, the issuer of the C/O deduction.

The customs declarant can declare additional information about the C/O of goods in case they have not yet declared or incorrectly declared when carrying out the customs procedure.

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